Ilkley Brewery Nowt Mary Stout
Name – Nowt Mary
Producer – Ilkley Brewery
Type – non-alcoholic stout
Alcohol content – 0.5%
MyDryBar Rating – 77/100
Drink review – Ilkley’s Nowt Mary alcohol-free milk stout is one of the best dark stouts on the market. Complex, rich and full of interesting flavours it certainly packs a punch without packing the alcohol.
Alcohol-free stout’s have been some of my favourite non-alcoholic beers (Guinness zero and Galactic milk stout to name a couple) so I was super stoked to come across Ilkley Brewery’s ‘Nowt Mary‘.
Nowt Mary is a milk stout from the UK-based Ilkley Brewery Company. Ilkley Brewery based in Yorkshire, UK has been creating both alcoholic and alcohol-free beers for years now, and ‘Nowt Mary’, their milk stout, is one of their newest.
To create those classic decadent and tasty milk stout flavours Ilkley uses a range of ingredients including barley malt, hop varieties (Fuggle and Crystal) as well as lactose.
The question is, does Nowt Mary stack up when compared to the other alcohol-free stouts I’ve tried? Well, you’ll just need to read below to find out.
Is Nowt Mary Stout any good?
Actually, this is a pretty tasty non-alcoholic stout. On first taste you get a cacophony of different flavours; I picked out coffee, syrup, some citrus fruits all balanced out with a background of sweet barley notes and bitter cacao nibs. Nowt Mary isn’t too carbonated and retains a level of smoothness meaning it is easily drinkable without being too filling.
Aroma & Appearance
When you first pop the lid you get to smell the pleasant hop aromas. When poured into the glass, this milk stout has the typical extra dark look however the frothy head soon dissipated.
Bonus points
Given it’s a milk stout this beer is not suitable for vegan drinkers however it is low in carbs and calories. Availbility-wise, outside of the UK you’ll struggle to find this stout, if you’re in the UK the best bet is to buy it from the retailer below.
Buy Ilkley’s Nowt Mary
At the time of writing, you can buy this non-alcoholic beer from the leading stockist below (or check Ilkley’s site itself).
Wise Bartender is a very well-respected alcohol-free retailer with a great selection of booze-free drinks and an easy-to-use site.

Key information
– per 330ml
Type – Milk stout
Brewery – Ilkley Brewery
Country – UK
Alcohol content – 0.5%
Calories – 89
Ingredients – water, barley malt, wheat, hops, oats, yeast, lactose
Vegan friendly? – no
Gluten-free? – unknown
Availability UK/ EU – medium
Availability US/ CAN – very hard

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-Seneca, AD 50 BC