About MyDryBar
Hi there. I’m James, a Londoner, who started MyDryBar in 2020 to offer people informative news and reviews on all the alcohol-free drinks out there – the good AND the bad.
Full transparency here I’m not a teetotaller. I do enjoy booze on occasion but I am moving more to the non-alcoholic side. Not only do I like to keep fit (booze adds unwanted calories and lack of energy the next day) but as an artist, I need to focus and keep a steady hand so it’s not a great shock that I am a keen advocate of alcohol-free drinks. And I’m not alone. The amount of people giving up booze or simply trying out non-alcoholic drinks is increasing exponentially.
Thankfully over the past few years, there has been somewhat of a renaissance in alcohol-free beverages resulting in an explosion of familiar names as well as new brands coming onto the scene. However, as you may have experienced it can be a bit of a minefield when it comes to the quality and taste of some of these drinks … and this is where MyDryBar steps in. I provide impartial and subjective reviews on the products I drink. Unlike other sites, I don’t stop at non-alcoholic beers, but also taste-test spirits, cocktails, wines and more.
Finally, MyDryBar is a multi-award winning site following the receiving of the “Best Non-Alcoholic Drinks Guide” in 2023 and 2024 from LuxLife Magazine … of which I am very proud 🙂
About My Dry Bar
Hi there. I’m James and I started My Dry Bar to offer people informative news and reviews on all the alcohol-free drinks out there – the good AND the bad.
Full transparency here I’m not a teetotaller. I do enjoy booze on occasion but I am moving more to the alcohol-free side. Not only do I like to keep fit (booze adds unwanted calories and lack of energy the next day) but as an artist, I need to focus and keep a steady hand so it’s not a great shock that I am a keen advocate of alcohol-free drinks.
And I’m not alone. The amount of people giving up booze or simply trying out non-alcoholic drinks is increasing exponentially.
Thankfully over the past few years, there has been somewhat of a renaissance in alcohol-free beverages resulting in an explosion of familiar names as well as new brands coming onto the scene. However as you may have experienced it can be a bit of a minefield when it comes to the quality and taste of some of these drinks … and this is where My Dry Bar steps in. We provide impartial and subjective reviews on the products we drink. Unlike other sites, we don’t stop at just beers, but also taste-test spirits, cocktails, and wines.
How do the ratings work?
The ratings on My Dry Bar are 100% subjective based on my own personal thoughts on the drink. I am sure people will take umbrage with some of my scores, so be it, but I will remain honest and independent. We rate drinks by the following criteria with a maximum number of points being 100.
1) Taste. Is it pleasant to drink? Is there a strange after-taste? Would you order it again? Too carbonated? Not enough body? These are the types of questions posed.
2) Aroma and appearance. Does it give off a nice aroma? Is it a pleasant, realistic colour? Does the beer keep a frothy head? These are the types of questions posed.
Bonus points are sometimes awarded based on availability, companies’ beliefs/ goals, packaging styling etc.

What do we mean by ‘Alcohol-free’?
As there are various definitions/ uses of the word ‘alcohol-free’ around the internet we wanted My Dry Bar to be easy to understand when it comes to choices
ZERO ALCOHOL = 0.00% ABV – literally no alcohol!
ALCOHOL-FREE / NON-ALCOHOLIC = 0.05% to 0.5% ABV – fairly common for most alcohol-free drinks to be at
Where can I buy non-alcoholic drinks?
Thanks to an increase in demand you can find the majority of alcohol-free drinks reviewed on MyDryBar at your local supermarket chain.
However, there are several online alcohol-free specialists we recommend from time to time. MyDryBar has affiliations with these sites and are rewarded a small fee if you end up purchasing a product from their site (some of which are listed below).

Proof No More is a great new alcohol-free retailer that brings all the latest and greatest beers, spirits and more to your door. Check out their extensive collection of non-alcoholic drinks.
…. and finally …
Please note that the key information provided for the various drinks reviews is for information purposes only, is designed to enhance your experience on the site and is subject to change, so please make sure you follow the link to the brewing/ producer I’ve included for up-to-date info if needed. If you notice any mistakes or issues with the contents on MyDryBar please contact me and if necessary will make the relevant change.
Any action taken using the information on MyDryBar is at your own risk. I will not be liable for any loss or damage incurred from its use. By using Mydrybar.com you consent to this disclaimer and agree to its terms.
A number of the links used on MyDryBar are affiliate links. What are affiliate links? In a nutshell, if you go on to purchase an item from a site I directed you to, I may receive a small commission – all help to invest in more alcohol-free drinks to review.
I want to take the opportunity to thank the following sites for the use of icons and stock photography – really appreciate it guys 🙂