Belvoir Alcohol-free GnT review


Name – Non-alcoholic J&T
Producer – Belvoir Farm
Type – non-alcoholic mocktail
Alcohol content – 0.0%
MyDryBar Rating – 69/100
Drink review – Belvoir Farm has created another tasty and refreshing mocktail with their alcohol-free GnT. You can expect refreshing bittersweet flavours without any hangover. Perfect.

The last time I reviewed a Belvoir Farm drink it was their alcohol-free Passion Fruit martini which was pretty tasty. So I was excited when I came across a bottle of Belvoir’s alcohol-free J&T (juniper and tonic) at Sainsbury’s.

For those who have not seen or heard about Belvoir Farm, they are a UK-based company that creates a growing range of non-alcoholic drinks.  At last count, there were 40 different ones to try out including the GnT I had today.

This particular drink is essentially a premixed mocktail that has taken the essential elements of a gin and tonic to create a refreshing drink. Belvoir has used a blend of classic GnT ingredients (including juniper, elderflower and quinine) and mixed it with a light, sparkling tonic.

So the question is how does this stack up with other premixed alcohol-free GnT’s I’ve tried? Well, you’ll just have to read my review below to find out.

drinking belvoir farm

Is Belvoir Alcohol-free GnT any good?


This Belvoir Farm mocktail was pretty decent. If I am honest it lacked the refined GnT characteristics that I got from other alcohol-free gin and tonics (such as Ginish and tonic) but it was a tasty drink that had the refreshing bittersweet flavours I was looking for. Carbonation was spot on and I managed to enjoy a glass and a half with a Thai curry (finishing the rest of this big bottle the next night).

Aroma & Appearance

Belvoir’s GnT was quite remarkable in its similarity with an alcoholic GnT which is probably down to the quinine and juniper. In the glass you can see it pours relatively clear. 

Bonus points

This drink will be suitable for most non-alcoholic drinkers as it’s zero alcohol, low in sugars, and suitable for gluten-free drinkers. Availability-wise Belvoir Farms drinks can easily be found in the drink aisles at Sainsbury’s, Morrisons and Waitrose. 

Buy Belvoir Farm mocktails

If you live in the UK you’ll be able to find this non-alcoholic drink at most supermarkets or check out Belvoir Farm’s site for availability. 

belvoir jnt
Key information

(per 100ml serving)

Type –  alcohol-free cocktail

Producer  –  Belvoir Farm

Calories – 23 kcal

Ingredients – Carbonated spring water, sugar, botanical extracts (including juniper extract), citric acid, quinine.

Alcohol content – 0%

Vegan friendly? – yes

Gluten-free? – yes

Availability UK/ EU – medium

Availability US/ CAN – hard


alcohol-free gnt

“Drunkenness is nothing but voluntary madness.”
-Seneca, AD 50 BC