Noughty Alcohol-free wine review


DrinkNoughty Rouge
Producer – Thomson and Scott
Type – non-alcoholic red wine
Alcohol content – 0.0%
Rating– 35/100
Review – This alcohol-free red wine from Noughty is far from ideal. If you are after a non-alcoholic wine then I suggest you look for another producer. Check the MyDryBar non-alcoholic drink selector tool for more options.

Oh, goody (he says with sarcasm!) another bottle of alcohol-free red wine has found its way to my abode … this time it’s in the form of Noughty Wine.

Noughty was set up by Amanda Thomson, who wanted to bring alcohol-free, vegan, and organic wine to the populace. Since its creation, Thomson has gone on to create a number of different non-alcoholic wines including a sparkling rose, a sparkling chardonnay, a non-alcoholic blanc and this one – a non-alcoholic rouge wine. 

Similar to other manufacturers this wine uses cone technology, vacuum and low temperatures to remove the alcohol but retain the flavour and texture. This alcohol-free red wine uses rich Syrah grapes from South Africa to achieve a deep red colour and spicy afternotes.

Given the track record, I’ve had with wine thus far – the question is, was it drinkable for DFTS (destined for the sink). Well, you’ll just need to read the review below to find out. 

drinking noughty wine

Is Noughty Wine any good?


Nope, nope, nope – not for me at all. Within seconds of this wine hitting my tongue I regretted it. Like other alcohol-free red wines I’ve tried it has a strange taste that is simply not enjoyable. If you like a glass of vinegary nonsense then go for it – if you don’t, then avoid. I have to wonder sometimes if the producers actually try this stuff! If they do then they either have no taste-buds left or simply don’t care.

Aroma & Appearance

To be fair, when its poured into a wine glass it genuinely looks like a hearty red wine. On the nose you do get some classic red fruit aromas but I certainly don’t recommend you ingest it.

Bonus points

This wine is a bit like bitter medicine. It tastes revolting but actually isn’t too bad for you given its just 14 calories per glass and only 2.5g of sugar per 100ml. It is also suitable for vegan and gluten-free drinkers … so its not all bad news.

Buy Noughty Alcohol-free Wine

Your best bet to find this non-alcoholic wine is to buy it from the specialist below or from Noughty’s own site. 

uk customers

wise bartender logo

Wise Bartender is a very well-respected alcohol-free retailer with a great selection of booze-free drinks and an easy-to-use site.

us customers

proof no more

Proof No More is a great American non-alcoholic retailer that brings all the latest and greatest beers, spirits and more to your door.

Check out their extensive collection of non-alcoholic wine.

noughty rouge wine

Key information

– per 100ml 

Type – Sparkling wine


Country – UK

Alcohol content – 0.5%

Calories – 14

Ingredients – Residual Sugar: 2.5g/100ml. Sulphur Dioxide: Less than 150mg/l

Vegan friendly? – yes

Gluten-free? – yes

Availability – medium

noughty wine

“Drunkenness is nothing but voluntary madness.”
-Seneca, AD 50 BC